Saturday, 10 October 2009


This picture is a little blurry because my camera was out of focus. This is Lola. One of the two dogs I have. She is the most energized dog I have aver met. She is also VERY protective over our family. She will pretty much bark the loudest she can at anyone who isn't one of us. When you here that dog bark, you better scoot yourself away or she will get very aggressive. We try to hold on to her as much as possible. She just loves walks. At the time I took this picture, I was being mean to Lola by saying "walk"? When ever you say that word, her ears perk up and she looks all excited. When she does this, she looks so cute. I wanted to take a picture of what she looked like. Well... this is what she looks like. We always have to try to avoid saying "walk" or she will think that you are willing to take her on a walk. And trust me, taking that crazy mutt on a walk is a roller coaster. You have to hold on for dear life if you don't want to lose your friend. The chair she is sitting in, is like her throne. If she ever goes outside, that's where she sits. The cushions are all comfy. I guess that's why she likes it so much. Very comfy for her indeed.

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